sexta-feira, junho 21, 2013

Shame the guy already

I have watched with care and satisfaction that movement in the streets and took a national character and the patriotic urge parents of a more humane and more critical, more serious, more ethical and without corruption. Really woke Brazil. And if so, it is worth questioning:
· In a country where the public authority refuses to drink and use the breathalyzer, wait what? I refer to Senator snows Aetius, who mused that wants to be a presidential candidate in 2014 · FIFA dictates rules to countries like Brazil and should do, has more power than the three powers together · We can not agree with riot · And I ask demonstrators for tracking rioters so they do not take the shine of a civic movement and democratic · Congratulations Brazilian people, and those who manifest that trocem Brazil for a more egalitarian and less racist need, is ashamed of yourself JÁ.Tenho accompanied all lists claims movements and begin to understand why many think that our fight is not going anywhere, why despite all the claims to be of an emergency nature, and meet some of our major political and social conflicts, they just remediam temporarily the symptoms of our illness, and not our disease itself. With some historical reflection, we realize that these demonstrations and struggles, reflect a parabolic movement in the history of Brazil. It is historically proven that every revolution comes to a crisis, the crisis of a system coming from the achievements obtained in another revolution, and so in a repetitive motion. What can we then evaluate, is that this revolutionary process today, comes from the crisis of democracy, achieved in Brazil, after the struggles against the military dictatorship.
Being more objective, we are facing a democratic crisis very emblematic, latent characteristic of our democracy-building process, which has not yet reached its peak, despite what lawmakers thought 1988. In 1988 was passed with much happiness a Constitution, which was aimed to search for popular sovereignty in a representative manner, within the most liberal and enlightened models of representation known in the Western world. With this Constitution, we emphasize the desire for a strong Congress, and democratically strengthened, we sat at the Executive. In theory, it was something really good, because it represented the breadth and effectiveness of public participation in policy decisions. What we see now, however, is that we become hostages of our good intentions. The National Congress is today the greatest symbol of abuse of power, and social stratification. Our Congress has become a cut in the mold of pre-revolutionary France, and these molds, create chain reaction, contaminating from the macro to the micro spheres of power. We have a Congress extremely powerful, untouchable, unreachable, attributable, which uses democracy, compulsory voting, ignorance and poverty of a large part of the population, as a mark of support and legitimation of the greatest atrocities that one can do with good public. Thus, our daily cries of "Away Feliciano", "Us against PEC 37", "Against the Status of the Unborn", "At the end of corruption", "For the removal of Renan," ínsito is a struggle for remediation Our provisional symptoms of disease and no cure for the disease. All these demands, if met, would remedy our problems in a superficial and temporary. We can not impersonate and factuar our problems, they are systematic, are part of the usual policy of our country, ratified the Constitution. What we need to do is use our power to fight, and move to REQUIRE urgently and definitively a accountability to society through public ministry or even invisible until the very national congress, which has nothing national, this hanger employment of wealthy businessmen, large landowners, police, evangelical pastors and union success. I really believe that the strategy of banning its manifestations political parties, NGOs and trade unions was a smart decision because that puts in a basket, so all political representations, which has represented only themselves and those who bankroll the campaign of these. The move came the stubbornness of the mayor and the governor of St. Paul not to go back and evaluate given the increase in price of tickets on the bus who does not like being called transportation but a car buoys cold of the last century, but with price bullet train. I am affiliated to EN and as such I follow the decisions of ordinary shares politicians who are to defend their La sponsors of the campaign, which has a great demand to continue cashing in life. Why this intransigence As interim President Dilma, who desonerou transport companies in almost eight per cent tax to pass on to the people that alone was not enough to increase, but this same entrepreneurs, who are all the time saying that the government taxes too much, however when the government exempts the transport sector and they charge the government instead of passing to the people, they bitributam, ie they receive incentives from the government not to increase the fare, but given the government and still increase. To prove what I say, Lo, provisional measures 612 and 613 of 2013. Just read your article 25 of that interim measure that takes care of the transportation of relief among many other goodies to the business owners of buses and construction, read up contractors. But as a manager in public is pounding FOOT price increase of passage, and the grant given to entrepreneurs to provide a service of public transport, since it is already a requirement of the manager to charge the entrepreneur public transport quality and not be supporting increased passage where companies seek only profit. Actually a public manager must monitor contract compliance of these companies to the state. This also applies to companies that explore the roads and charge tolls without expensive and uninterrupted população.Educação return to health and I will not even talk about because it's a buzzword for all political campaigns and are remembered forever for diverting public money. And the political parties because they are worn these in many of his paintings speak easy, "history of struggle," compensation for retired millionaires have been disenfranchised by the military regime and now repeat the same mistakes of the military being arrogant and dominated parties with their mandates. Political parties are true federations mandates and mandates are inherited assets, which as at the time of feudal lords are passed from father to son and never, ever will be the alternation of power. In this training there called, who was born to industry, will never be a member of the executive. Who is militant activist dies. It's like a society of bees, where a born queen will be queen, but woe to those workers, who spend their entire lives working and very good for the queen and the collective. But her poor little lives and evil. This is the formulation party. Who does not have a financial support of entrepreneurs, will never be elected to anything or to trade union leader. That needs to change and it is up to the parties themselves leave this stinking hole that went back and hope to be an exercise of democracy. Demonstrations and novelty for me because I am not affiliated with the Workers' Party and this came from the historical manifestations of ABC Paulista, besides demonstrations throughout Brazil. This party had the PT way of governing, which was an example of many people, because in our parliamentary opposition charged much of the rulers of the situation. I remember the march of a hundred thousand against FHC, out of Collor and direct now. However after my PARTY, NOT the PT, came to power, the movements were silent and were co-opted by the party. Movements and and turned the government and unions have lost legitimacy. I will not talk about here because it Mensalão the press did a darn carnival, but whether or not, so time will tell, but that time will tell. But truth be told, although the movements and unions have forgotten the meaning of their origin and have moved away from the people and the party that governs forgets and moves away from the movement, we have to manage these ten years d e-government Dilma Lula, despite be a coalition government, where we let the PT the street asking for votes and other parties in the alliance are in the positions, many good things happened, it is not because the deputies cite Amim, which indicate the managers are well aware of this and give a true GDP, achievements and so on, but in my simple design of black militant and therefore without charge, can speak PROUNI, bags of school, family, etc., things that directly help the poor. However, we as government Getulio Vargas, who was the father of the poor, however the rich mother. Where are the managers of the PT and allies? Where are the managers of the opposition? Because I've never had anything here I am putting my face? We need to have more confidence in positions of trust, because what I'm seeing, it seems to me that parents do not have anyone affiliated, since no one comes here to defend me party be it A, B or C Belchior finish telling phrase, "I'm sorry to hear that gave me the idea of ​​a new awareness and youth, is home guarded by God and enjoying the VIL metal. My pain is to realize that although I give all I had .. we are still the same and live like our parents.

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