The occasion was special: he would be the first black to be appointed to the court.
Minister Joaquim Barbosa in his office at the Supreme Court (Supreme Court), in Brasilia
"I arrived in the presence of Dirceu [then chief of staff], José Genoíno [then president of PT], that whole gang, for the official announcement. I always reserved life. I saw that sea of cameras, flashes ... ", he recalled in his office on Tuesday, 2.
The importance of Frei Betto
Barbosa says it was Frei Betto, who knew him for participating in the board of NGOs, who made his resume "walk" in government.
"I spent a season at the University of California, Los Angeles. Frei Betto casually met on holiday in Brazil. We exchanged cards. One day, I get e-mail inviting me to a conversation with [the then Minister of Justice] Márcio Thomaz Bastos in Brasilia. "Keep the message today.
"I saw the first Lula on announcement of my possession. I have not spoken before, or by phone. Never, ever. "
So nearly missed the ceremony itself. "See how this staff is muddled: they lost my phone [laughs]."
Days before, had been interviewed by Thomaz Bastos. "And disappeared in the thicket." That to avoid bombing of candidates for the same job.
"In time to call me to go to the Plateau, they had my contact." A friend of the government to find him. "Run that guys will make your ad today!"
Then he went away from Lula. There was not even looking at the crucial moments of the monthly allowance. "Never, not even by the Lula [president] Dilma [Rousseff]. This is important. Because the tradition in Brazil is the pressure. But I also do not give space, right? "
The minister voted in Brizola (PDT) for president in the first round of the 1989 election. And then Lula against Collor. Lula voted in again in 2002.
"I'll confide something that Lula might not know: I was one of the first Brazilians to speak outdoors in Los Angeles, of what would be his government. There was panic. A seminar, desmistifiquei 'Lula is a Democrat, a party established. The democratic credentials of it is perfect. '"
The scandal of the monthly allowance not influence your vote: in 2006, already as rapporteur of the case, again chose the candidate Lula, who was running for reelection.
"I do not regret voting no. Changes and advances in Brazil in the past ten years are undeniable. In 2010, I voted in Dilma. "
In plenary of the Supreme Court, the situation changes. Barbosa says that "a judge has duties to perform" and that the company expects the judge "fairness and impartiality in relation to groups and organizations."
His career help. "I never did politics. Studied law at the University of Brasilia 75-82, at the time of the military regime. There were significant movements. But I've been apart. I always understood that party affiliation or groups, movements, only serves to take away your freedom to say what they think. "
Barbosa likes to say it has no "agenda." In 2007, reported lawsuit against Paulo Maluf (PP-SP). Delfim Netto was not found to testify as a witness. Barbosa proposed that the process continue. Was overruled in the Supreme Court. The case has prescribed.
In the same year, reported case in which Mr Ronaldo Cunha Lima (PSDB-PB) was charged with attempted murder. The defendant resigned and lost the privileged forum. Barbosa argued that it was judged anyway. Was overruled in the Supreme Court.
In 2009, the monthly allowance as rapporteur of the PSDB, proposed that the court acolhesse complaint against the former governor of Minas Gerais Eduardo Azeredo. Almost was overruled by the Supreme Court, won 5-3, with three ministers absent.
Two years earlier, rapporteur of the monthly allowance of the PT, proposed that the court acolhesse complaint against Dirceu and 37 other defendants. Won by 9-1.
Barbosa has told the press that "never gave the ball to the monthly allowance mining", contrary to what makes the PT. "They are two weights and two measures," he says.
The media exposure not prevent him from criticizing even more acidic.
"The Brazilian press is entirely white, conservative. The business, idem, "he says. "All the gear control in Brazil are in the hands of white people and conservative."
Racism manifests itself in "jokes, even aggression." "Brazil is not politically correct. A person with minimal sensitivity turns on the TV and see racism stamped there in the novels. "
Have you discussed with several colleagues from the STF. But he says polemics "are much less reported, and half drowned, when it comes to fights between white ministers."
"Racism assumes that one is superior. The black is always lower. And this person does not even admit that she open her mouth. 'It's crazy, is a quarrelsome'. In my case, since I'm not lowering the crest in any way ... "
Barbosa, who has written a book on affirmative action in the U.S., says that racism appeared in its "infancy, adolescence, maturity and appears in the now."
30 years ago, has a law degree and working at the Foreign Ministry and Foreign Ministry official, came to pass in the season-Embassy of Finland, he applied to a diplomat. Passed. Was stopped at the interview.
It is the first child of eight his father, Joachim, and her mother, Benedicta, had (so called Joaquim Benedito).
In Paracatu in Minas, "Joca" had a childhood "of poor interior with green area to play with, very river to swim, lots of fun." He was shy and closed.
His mother was a homemaker. His father was a bricklayer. "But he was the guy who would not submit. Temperament was hard, speaking on equal terms with the bosses. So much so that she came to work in Brasilia, in construction, but fell out with the head and walked away, "says Joachim.
The father sold the house where he lived with his family and bought a truck. Grew to 15 employees in the economic boom of the '70s. "And took the kids to work." Among them, the very Joaquim, then 10.
At the beginning of the decade, Barbosa moved to an aunt's house in the city of Gama at around Brasília.
Studied law, worked in typesetting of newspapers, at the Foreign Ministry. Joined by tender on federal prosecutors.
Took out licenses to do PhD at the University of Paris II. And he spent periods in U.S. universities as a visiting scholar. Speaks French, English and German.
Today, Barbosa is most of the time in Brasilia, where they live mother, seven brothers and nephews. The father is dead. Benedicta is evangelical and "overpopulating". On his birthday 76 years, joined more than 500 people.
The minister also has an apartment in Leblon, Rio, where he lives his only son, Philip, 26. Broke up a bit of a companion after 12 years of relationship.
Denies certain distaste for lawyers. And also denies that hath pleasure in condemning, without any pity for the person who will lose freedom.
"It's a very hard decision. But it is also a duty. "
"The problem is that in Brazil does not condemn," he says. "I'm in court for seven years, and this is the second time that we have to condemn. So this act, for me and many of the ministers of the Supreme Court, is still very recent. "
Faced with hundreds of major corruption scandals in Brazil, and only the monthly allowance of the PT have reached the end, it is possible to suspect that the machine only worked investigation and punishment for this case and will now be disconnected again?
"I do not believe," says Barbosa. "There will be a monitoring and charged more Supreme. This trial has the potential to provide changes in culture, politics, legal. Any change will surely come. "
The Collor case, for example, that hundreds of companies have been accused of paying bribes to the treasurer of the former president arrived "dehydrated" the Supreme Court said the minister. "He was a former president out of the game completely. And beyond that, what? The PC, which was a mequetrefe. "
The country was "closer to the period of the dictatorship" and the prosecution had newly won independence, the Constitution of 1988. Until 2001, only MPs were processed in the Supreme Court where the Board authorized. "Everything is gradual. But today we live in a different country. "
Since the beginning of the trial of the monthly allowance, the minister wears a scapular around her neck. "Gift of a friend," he says.
Once caught napping in the first session, proceeded to take guarana powder in the early afternoon.
Says he does not like being treated as "hero" of the trial. "That there is a consequence of the lack of positive references in the country. Hence the need to find a hero. Even an anti-hero, like me. "
Monica Bergamo, Sheet
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