It's a fact: without the help of each other, we would all die. But this aid must be structured. And it is. Help is structured through the institutions. Form of institutions depends on the values that arise within the cultures. And culture is expressed through a mindset or worldview.

humankind, nature, therefore, is a tremendous injustice. An injustice to our generation, and higher still, towards future generations of our descendants. Increasingly significant portions of the population, then, become aware of this injustice. And the awareness of what the law is unfair rises as demand for justice and security against injustice. It is right and necessary, therefore, to recognize the value of the natural environment. For this reason, social authority, through the State, has published legal standards of environmental protection. The law criminalizes conduct that harm the environment and makes it criminal. Scholars of law systematize one new branch of legal science, baptizing the Environmental Law. The ethics of the environment is now also a requirement of the economy. The scholars of economics and plots of their own economic agents have been moving toward a style of development that respects the environment, affecting investments in this new paradigm. And politically, the value of the environment, in the democratic world, is especially favored by the so-called Green parties.
Thus, the Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Simon Blackburn, brings the following entry about the ethics of the environment: "In general, ethics deals with problems caused by human desires and needs: obtaining happiness or distribution of goods. When thinking specifically about the environment, the main problem consists in assigning value to things as independent species conservation or wildlife protection. Such protection can be advocated as a means to ensure basic human needs, seeing the animals For example, as a future source of drugs, or other benefits. Nevertheless, many philosophers wish to claim an absolute value and not utilitarian to the existence of local and wild beings, its value is precisely its independence in relation to human life: "They reduce us to our relative importance." Failing to appreciate this is not just an aesthetic failure, but also a lack of humility and respect: it is a moral inability. The problem is being able to express this value and use it against the utilitarian arguments that defend the urbanization of natural areas and extermination of species in a somewhat arbitrary. "
How about, then join one of the many non-governmental organizations for protection of the natural, knowing that one is fighting for the survival of the human species?
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