Prof. Paulo Jorge dos Santos.Jorn., Grafólogo,Prof. e Ambientalista, Pós Graduado em Adm.Legisl.P.UNISUL, Membro do Col. Est. e Nac.de meio Ambiente do PT, F. Mineiro de Agenda 21, Membro da Coord.Est.de Comb.ao Racismo do PTMG, Coord. Reg. Met.de Comb.ao Racismo da RMBH do PTMG. Membro dos Comitês de Bacias dos Rios Pará e São Francisco. Palestrante Em Faculdades e Órgãos Públicos Com Ações e Consultorias Em Dir. Humanos Étnicos e Ambientais.
segunda-feira, outubro 07, 2013
THE DANGERS OF fluoridated water
The physician John Yiamouyiannis spent years researching the effects of the toxicity of fluoride and found his close relationship with cancer . An estimated 100 million Brazilians ingest the substance through fluoridated water and that 75 % of the volume of water produced in Brazil is fluoridated , according to data from the National Information System on Sanitation . According to "Handbook of fluoridation of drinking water " , prepared by the National Health Foundation ( Funasa ) defending the measure , despite already having stipulated a number of safe daily intake of fluoride " more studies are needed to determine precisely the dose " . Funasa emphasized that " fluoride is toxic when ingested in large doses , can lead to death."
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