Prof. Paulo Jorge dos Santos.Jorn., Grafólogo,Prof. e Ambientalista, Pós Graduado em Adm.Legisl.P.UNISUL, Membro do Col. Est. e meio Ambiente do PT, F. Mineiro de Agenda 21, Membro da Racismo do PTMG, Coord. Reg. Racismo da RMBH do PTMG. Membro dos Comitês de Bacias dos Rios Pará e São Francisco. Palestrante Em Faculdades e Órgãos Públicos Com Ações e Consultorias Em Dir. Humanos Étnicos e Ambientais.
segunda-feira, outubro 07, 2013
THE DANGERS OF fluoridated water
The physician John Yiamouyiannis spent years researching the effects of the toxicity of fluoride and found his close relationship with cancer . An estimated 100 million Brazilians ingest the substance through fluoridated water and that 75 % of the volume of water produced in Brazil is fluoridated , according to data from the National Information System on Sanitation . According to "Handbook of fluoridation of drinking water " , prepared by the National Health Foundation ( Funasa ) defending the measure , despite already having stipulated a number of safe daily intake of fluoride " more studies are needed to determine precisely the dose " . Funasa emphasized that " fluoride is toxic when ingested in large doses , can lead to death."
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