segunda-feira, outubro 07, 2013

THE DANGERS OF fluoridated water

The physician John Yiamouyiannis spent years researching the effects of the toxicity of fluoride and found his close relationship with cancer . An estimated 100 million Brazilians ingest the substance through fluoridated water and that 75 % of the volume of water produced in Brazil is fluoridated , according to data from the National Information System on Sanitation . According to "Handbook of fluoridation of drinking water " , prepared by the National Health Foundation ( Funasa ) defending the measure , despite already having stipulated a number of safe daily intake of fluoride " more studies are needed to determine precisely the dose " . Funasa emphasized that " fluoride is toxic when ingested in large doses , can lead to death."
The addition of fluoride in the water began to be adopted en masse since 1975 , with a program of the World Health Organization to combat tooth decay . In June 1989 , Yiamouyiannis released a survey that examined nearly 40,000 children in American schools and concludes that there is no relationship between the reduction of caries and fluoridation . Although a measure adhered by most countries , according Yiamouyiannis fluoride is a cumulative poison to damage the immune system, causing premature aging , cause hypothyroidism increases the risk of cancer and bone diseases and increases the risk of developing autoimmune diseases.
The most daunting of search results is related to cancer Yiamouyiannis : fluoride can enhance the growth rate of cancerous tumor in 25 % transforming normal cells into cancer cells and enhances the carcinogenesis of other chemicals in the concentration of only one part per million (ppm) . According Yiamouyiannis , there is no safe level of fluoride and the best you can do is make sure that your water is less than 0 , 2 ppm of the substance .
Exposure to fluoride may also reduce children's intelligence , according to a study pre - published in "Environmental Health Perspectives " . According to Paul Connett , Ph.D. , who led the research , " this is the twenty-fourth study that has found this association , and correlates a decrease in the level of IQ with levels of fluoride found in water consumed today. " To Connett , the result approximates a cause and effect relationship between fluoride exposure and brain damage in children . "

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