Prof. Paulo Jorge dos Santos.Jorn., Grafólogo,Prof. e Ambientalista, Pós Graduado em Adm.Legisl.P.UNISUL, Membro do Col. Est. e Nac.de meio Ambiente do PT, F. Mineiro de Agenda 21, Membro da Coord.Est.de Comb.ao Racismo do PTMG, Coord. Reg. Met.de Comb.ao Racismo da RMBH do PTMG. Membro dos Comitês de Bacias dos Rios Pará e São Francisco. Palestrante Em Faculdades e Órgãos Públicos Com Ações e Consultorias Em Dir. Humanos Étnicos e Ambientais.
sábado, abril 20, 2013
"Dear God, the Lord knows my needs, I leave this in your hands."
The A poor woman came desperate penniless in a store selling food and asked the owner of the shop owner who gave her some food so she could take their small children, who were hungry in his poor hut. The lady offered to do cleaning, washing or weeding the front of the sale in exchange for that food. The shop owner is not allowed. Then, both insist she asked him to sell her until she could then sell an asset and paying. But the store owner, inflexible, asked the woman to leave. However, the woman thinking of her family continued begging: "Please sir, I will pay as soon as possible." The shop owner refused saying he could not give credit to a person he did not know.
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